FEBRUARY 05, 2006
1st Annual Superbowl Shootout

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Coaches are always looking for ways to mix up the shooting to keep the athletes far from the "bordom" line. Shooting our practice on Superbowl Sunday provided the idea for the "Superbowl Shootout".

The Rules:

1) 20 Shots per target
2) Shoot for your team logos
3) Total all the targets at the end

We even had Cheerleaders!
The first half was fought hard- Halftime Score: Seahawks78 || Steelers 60
Yes! Those are the cheerleaders shooting!
The Second half was dominated by our new shooters .... we really didn't know which way the game would go. Only Miranda had shot standing before .... Alexandra and Kelcie made great efforts and while we decided to keep Ashlee shooting from the prone position she scored many points for her team!
FANTASTIC GAME .... Lots of action & Crossfires onto the wrong logos
Seahawks: 99
Steelers: 93

For High Speed Connection Users
Superbowl Shootout Photos - Click to download originals - Approx 1.5MB each
2006 Superbowl Shootout - The Movie - (14MB MPEG download)